
Monetary Donations
Your contribution allows FYFB to deliver programs that help prevent homelessness in Toronto. Did you know that over 96% of funds raised go directly into delivering our programs? Your donation will have a direct impact!

You can also make your donation by mail. Make your cheque payable to the Fort York Food Bank and mail it to 380 College Street, Toronto, ON, M5T 1S6 with our donation form.

Food Donations
Whether you want to donate as an individual, or as a food services business, we could use your contribution effectively, ensuring it reaches those in need in a time effective manner.
As Individuals…
FYFB provides clients with a balanced diet consistent with the Canada Food Guide. The following non-perishable food items are our primary needs:
- Canned fish
- Canned or dry beans
FYFB also partners with local businesses who provide us with end of the day food which we package and distribute to our clients. If you would like to partner with us for food drives or to share end of day food, contact us at